This 5-sequence art project was inspired by Jaehyun’s own days at school. Schools idolize certain qualities of students and groom other students according to those qualities. However, those students that do not fit those qualities are labeled as outcasts and subject to non-verbal violence and fake smiles. He detested collectivism and totalitarianism that sparked such hypocrisy from an early age. Hence, he was able to show my distaste of such forms of government through the youthful girl that was able to revolt and triumph against the serious but hypocritic society.
Hideout of
A society where cadets wearing berets are idolized. Many students are revering the mural that is sordid much like Lenin who led the Proletarians, but somewhere under a desk a girl is playing with a toy rifle along with various snacks and sweets. However, the boy next to her is experiencing heavy anxiety.
That anxiety was not misplaced. The blue hand of this sordid society destroyed the girl’s toy rifle and crushed her snacks and sweets. With the familiarity of doing this multiple times, the pieces are tossed onto a pile. The girl’s facial expression goes from smiles to desperation in matter of seconds. In the midst of these events, the boy finds a unknown ray of light coming from the pile of waste.
Boy Surrounded by the Truth
Investigating the source of the light, the boy finds the unbelievable truth. The beret cadets that the society idolizes were in fact very different from the images shown to the public; they were agents of violence carrying actual guns. As soon as the boy comes to this realization, he is surrounded by armed cadets and one of the cadets attempts to arrest the boy that saw the truth. However, there is something approaching in the background.
Moment of Salvation
A revolver-like flying object picks the boy off the ground and bombards the berets with numerous candies and snacks. The smiles on the beret cadets’ faces that persist amidst the comical pain infer to brainwashing.
The pilot of the flying object was the playful friend of the boy. She shows her hastily repaired toy rifle to the world and shouts in triumph. Their make their successful escape all the while bombarding snacks and sweets on the society and their playful days of mischief will continue.